Saturday, October 30, 2004
I refuse..
Looking at a pic of an US Marine kiss a Iraqi young child, then series photos of ordinary people literally bathe in their own blood, I cannot help but wonder: what's all this for anyways?
I don't understand and never will.
Well I've tried to figure out why and the conclusion I came up with was a terrifying one....
Watching the news clips of violence repeatedly on TV. Then you've become numb. To the violence. To the dead bodies. To the broken down homes.
I refuse to do so...
Somethings exit do not mean they are right.
source: AP
I don't understand and never will.
Well I've tried to figure out why and the conclusion I came up with was a terrifying one....
Watching the news clips of violence repeatedly on TV. Then you've become numb. To the violence. To the dead bodies. To the broken down homes.
I refuse to do so...
Somethings exit do not mean they are right.

source: AP
Thursday, October 28, 2004
An evil person I am...
The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Sixth Level of Hell - The City of Dis!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Take the Dante's Inferno Test
Hey...seems like I am one hell of an evil person! wahahaha...
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Level | Score |
Purgatory (Repenting Believers) | Very Low |
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers) | Low |
Level 2 (Lustful) | High |
Level 3 (Gluttonous) | High |
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious) | Moderate |
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy) | High |
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics) | Extreme |
Level 7 (Violent) | High |
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers) | High |
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous) | Low |
Take the Dante's Inferno Test
Hey...seems like I am one hell of an evil person! wahahaha...
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
A dream...
My only source to feed my weekly dose of Gakkou e Ikou is officially gone!! >____<\\\\
I guess those who are making profits out of those stuff are not very happy that momo simply put up those shows and files to share with others.
It was all about sharing wasn't it? I sure had fun not only leeching but uploading some of my own stuff...
Or maybe they are just too bored. So they attacked a website.
A stormy day with such a heart-warming news. How very lovely..
I guess those who are making profits out of those stuff are not very happy that momo simply put up those shows and files to share with others.
It was all about sharing wasn't it? I sure had fun not only leeching but uploading some of my own stuff...
Or maybe they are just too bored. So they attacked a website.
A stormy day with such a heart-warming news. How very lovely..
Sunday, October 17, 2004
The hidden stuff....
I finally managed to finish watching Ju-on: The Grudge over the weekend.
I couldn't finish it the first time. I was watching it by myself.
3 O'clock in the afternoon.
In broad daylight.
It took me almost two hours to fall asleep that night.
It wasn't that scary the second time around. Maybe it's because I was watching it with two other ppl and they were trying to make me laugh...
Still, the Japanese's definition of scare and horror is extremely different from American's.
Not much blood. No body parts flying all over the room.
It's what's in the air,the invisible atmosphere that's really scary.
Sunday, October 10, 2004
Lyrics don't matter here.
Sleepless Nights
Norah Jones
~Theme song for the upcoming movie Tokyo Tower~
Through these sleepless nights
I cry for you
And wonder who
is kissing you
Oh these sleepless nights
Will break my heart in two
Somehow through the days
I don't give in
I hide my tears
That wait within
Oh but then through sleepless nights
I cry again
Why did you go?
Why did you go?
Don't you know?
Don't you know?
I need you
I keep hoping you'll come back to me
Oh let it be
Please let it be
Oh, my love,please end
These sleepless nights for me
Why did you go?
Why did you go?
Don't you know?
Don't you know?
I need you
I keep hoping you'll come back to me
Oh let it be
Please let it be
Oh,my love,please end
These sleepless nights for me
My love,please end these sleepless nights for me
在這些無眠的夜裡 我為你哭泣
心中不停揣測 誰在吻你
喔,這些無眠的夜 將讓我心碎
但在白天 我不屈服
然而在無眠的夜裡 我再度哭泣
你為何離去? 你為何離去?
難道你不明白? 難道你不明白?
讓它成真吧 請讓它成真
喔,我的愛 請為我結束這些無眠的夜
你為何離去? 你為何離去?
難道你不明白? 難道你不明白?
讓它成真吧 請讓它成真
喔,我的愛 請為我結束這些無眠的夜
Downloaded the song in the first place because it's the theme song for Junichi's upcoming movie Tokyo Tower.
But now reading through the lyrics, it fits perfectly. How I am feeling now.
Yet strangely, I am not feeling sad.
Norah Jones' warm and passionate voice has an incrdible healing power.
Lyrics, don't really matter much here. They don't.
*Thanks to KaORu♥J.O for providing the lyrics
Saturday, October 09, 2004
Now...the Chinese translated version (笑)
Hey it's acually fun to translate my own stuff...
你真的一點都沒變, 你知道嗎?
套一句你自己的話, you are all fucked up. Yes you are.
我累了. 我以為年齡帶來的是成熟
我錯了. 年齡帶給你的, 只有denial而已
我想, 你是永遠不會改變的. 只會一而再再而三的傷害你身旁在乎你的人
我受夠了. 我真的很後悔遇見你. 非常後悔.
如果四年前那天我裝作沒聽見你的問題, 我們都只會是兩個永遠不會交會的平行線.
那樣, 該有多好呀....
你今天在那斑馬線我們錯身而過的那瞬間的眼神, 我可能在很久很久之後, 都會記得.
最殘忍的是, 你那不久之前才給我的承諾, 在那一瞬間, 真的顯得很可笑和空白.
可笑, 可是我哭了.
嘿, 我可是很體貼的連個招呼都沒有打哦. 不想給你難堪. 不想...
But you. You just looked away.
我就是這樣. 只會扮老好人的我, 最後獨自一人在角落舔拭傷口的, 永遠是我.
你真的一點都沒變, 你知道嗎?
套一句你自己的話, you are all fucked up. Yes you are.
我累了. 我以為年齡帶來的是成熟
我錯了. 年齡帶給你的, 只有denial而已
我想, 你是永遠不會改變的. 只會一而再再而三的傷害你身旁在乎你的人
我受夠了. 我真的很後悔遇見你. 非常後悔.
如果四年前那天我裝作沒聽見你的問題, 我們都只會是兩個永遠不會交會的平行線.
那樣, 該有多好呀....
你今天在那斑馬線我們錯身而過的那瞬間的眼神, 我可能在很久很久之後, 都會記得.
最殘忍的是, 你那不久之前才給我的承諾, 在那一瞬間, 真的顯得很可笑和空白.
可笑, 可是我哭了.
嘿, 我可是很體貼的連個招呼都沒有打哦. 不想給你難堪. 不想...
But you. You just looked away.
我就是這樣. 只會扮老好人的我, 最後獨自一人在角落舔拭傷口的, 永遠是我.
Get out of my life, you!
I can not believe that I was hurt by the same person who I had sworn to myself that I would never care ever again. Four years later.
I was being too nice and considerate again. Oh no no no, I wouldn't want to embarrass him and his "female friend", would I. AGAIN!
I looked away,too.
We were just like two total strangers.
I "almost" cried rest of the walk to my grandparents' house.
Hasn't four years been enough time for me?!!!! Apparently not..
Gosh...!! My heart still aches this moment I am typing this entry.....
This is so much of a cliche but...I really thought that he has changed.
Stop giving me hopes if you are still that same bastard four years ago!!
All these typing and crying..(yes I am crying now) actually make me feel better.
I guess four years is not enough. Yet I will do whatever it takes, to remove him from my heart. Eventually.
I really did realize today that he is not the right person for me.
He never will be.
I regreted meeting you and I still do today. You almost ruined my life. Well, I let myself almost ruined my own life by falling so deep for you.
My life will be so much much better off without you.
GET OUT OF MY LIFE, YOU!!!!!What was even better was when he saw me on the street today, when we passed each other by, he would not dare to look at me.
I was being too nice and considerate again. Oh no no no, I wouldn't want to embarrass him and his "female friend", would I. AGAIN!
I looked away,too.
We were just like two total strangers.
I "almost" cried rest of the walk to my grandparents' house.
Hasn't four years been enough time for me?!!!! Apparently not..
Gosh...!! My heart still aches this moment I am typing this entry.....
This is so much of a cliche but...I really thought that he has changed.
Stop giving me hopes if you are still that same bastard four years ago!!
All these typing and crying..(yes I am crying now) actually make me feel better.
I guess four years is not enough. Yet I will do whatever it takes, to remove him from my heart. Eventually.
I really did realize today that he is not the right person for me.
He never will be.
I regreted meeting you and I still do today. You almost ruined my life. Well, I let myself almost ruined my own life by falling so deep for you.
My life will be so much much better off without you.
And why in the hell would you have a birthday that it's just impossible for me NOT to remember? Damn you!
Wednesday, October 06, 2004
今天得知 一個認識蠻久但從未謀面的友人 住院了。
自己為什麼不每天就花點時間打個 "How are you"呢..
My dear sis, ....
我早就決定要送你Victoria's Secret的性感小褲褲給你了呦(偷笑)
がんばって がんばって!!!!!!!!
I believe in you!!
Never, should we take for granted the presence of our loved ones around us...never.
自己為什麼不每天就花點時間打個 "How are you"呢..
My dear sis, ....
我早就決定要送你Victoria's Secret的性感小褲褲給你了呦(偷笑)
がんばって がんばって!!!!!!!!
I believe in you!!
Never, should we take for granted the presence of our loved ones around us...never.
Monday, October 04, 2004
My Inspiration
Pictures overload!
I am too tired to type anything right now.
My inspiration: their smiles.
I am too tired to type anything right now.

My inspiration: their smiles.

Sunday, October 03, 2004
Watched my beloved "My neighbor Totoro" again tonight.
Again, was moved to tears.
不管看了多少遍 還是會感動落淚
宮崎 駿畫筆下的童年 是如此的溫和純淨
不做作 不誇張 就這樣感動了我
看著兩姐妹對著房間大叫來驅走自己心中的不安 真是令人會心一笑
因為 自己的童年 也作過同樣的事呢....
同時 也有感 自己第一次看這部動畫的我的心情 我早已不記得了...
現在的我 看完這部片是有著這麼複雜的心情
那時的我 第一次看完となりのトトロ的心情 應該只是單純的
“阿...我也好想能遇見トトロ哦...” 吧
看完暴力成分為負10的となりのトトロ 不禁想到..
研究指出 電視上無數的節目裡
暴力比例最高的 不是深夜的電影 而是專門給小孩子看的兒童節目
仔細想想 90%的卡通裡 主角解決衝突和問題的方法總是:打!
耳濡目染 真不知小孩子對自己遇上的問題時的方法會做下什麼樣的結論呢...
Again, was moved to tears.
不管看了多少遍 還是會感動落淚
宮崎 駿畫筆下的童年 是如此的溫和純淨
不做作 不誇張 就這樣感動了我
看著兩姐妹對著房間大叫來驅走自己心中的不安 真是令人會心一笑
因為 自己的童年 也作過同樣的事呢....
同時 也有感 自己第一次看這部動畫的我的心情 我早已不記得了...
現在的我 看完這部片是有著這麼複雜的心情
那時的我 第一次看完となりのトトロ的心情 應該只是單純的
“阿...我也好想能遇見トトロ哦...” 吧

看完暴力成分為負10的となりのトトロ 不禁想到..
研究指出 電視上無數的節目裡
暴力比例最高的 不是深夜的電影 而是專門給小孩子看的兒童節目
仔細想想 90%的卡通裡 主角解決衝突和問題的方法總是:打!
耳濡目染 真不知小孩子對自己遇上的問題時的方法會做下什麼樣的結論呢...